Monday, April 22, 2013

Edinburgh, Scotland

My next trip was to Edinburgh, Scotland.  This was done through my school, so there were over 40 of us who traveled by train to Scotland, located North of England.  I really liked traveling with other people from my program and it was nice to do towards the end of my semester.  Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland and is most well known for Edinburgh Castle, which overlooks the city.  While I was there I tried their most well known food called haggis. Haggis contains sheep insides as well as several other potent ingredients.  It surprisingly tasted not so bad, if you didn't think about what was in it. 

This was a common view throughout the city.  It seemed that every street we turned down you could see the giant hill with Edinburgh Castle sitting at the top of it.

While in Scotland, I participated in their traditional dance called the Céilidh.  I would say it is a cross between square dancing and ballroom dancing.  Some people get really into it and several experienced dancers were sporting quilts.  It was a great work out and I actually had a lot of fun.

This is the view of the city from Edinburgh Castle

This is the outside of Edinburgh Castle.  We had the opportunity to explore the inside of this fortress that sits on top of volcanic rock.

Myself in the castle

The typical Scotish bag pipe player

Me and my roommates at the top of Arthur's Seat.  Arthur's seat is at the top of one of the mountains surrounding Edinburgh, at 822 ft.  There is much uncertaintly about how it got its name, but it is most likely derived from the legends associated with King Arthur.  It offered amazing views of the city throughout our hike to the top.
The view from the top

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