Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Berlin, Germany

My trip to Berlin, Germany was a very cool experience. I was out of my element when it came to a different language, however most people spoke some english. It was cold and snowy while I was there with my two roommates. In order to keep warm we took a bus tour that lasted all day, in which we were able to get off and on whenever we wanted. This enabled us to see all of Berlin's major sites! I even got to eat German food, including currywurst, which to me, tasted a lot like kielbasa.
Alexanderplatz is the major train station in Berlin. We stayed at the Senefelderplatz stop. These are examples of some of the funny words we ran into. Everthing sounded the same too!

Berlin is well-known for its' graffiti. It was everywhere! This is the section of the Berlin wall known as the East Side Gallery, which is completely covered in graffiti.

Here is some more graffiti

This is the Berlin TV Tower, which has the best views of Berlin

I went to the top of the tower and got a 360 degree view of the city!

The Berliner Cathedral

Me in front of the Brandenburg Gate (Berlin's most iconic attraction)

The Charlottenburg Palace

Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe

The infamous Berlin Wall!

This is Checkpoint Charlie, the best-known point of crossing through the Berlin wall between East and West Berlin. It was manned by an American Soldier

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