Friday, May 17, 2013

Last Days in London

My last week in London I dedicated to see things I put off during the semester.  My internship had ended, which allowed for more free time during the day.  I took full advantage of this.
This is the front door to a speak easy located near my apartment, in which you enter by presenting a detective case.  We had to make an 'appointment' and the detective then agreed to take on our case.  Through the door, we were led down a flight of stairs to a study, which contained a bookcase.  One of the books then opened a door to the pub.  It was a really cool experience.
This is the Queen's House in Greenwich.  The current Queen does not live here, but it remains a royal palace.

This is a picture of me standing in the East and West Hemispheres.  The line is the Prime Meridian, at 0 degrees longitude.  It runs through Greenwich and Greenwhich Park in London.  Time Zones count back from this location.
This is the changing of the guards at Buckingham Palace!  I put off doing this the whole semester and finally had time to do it on my last day in London.  It was extremely nice out too!
 View of Parliament from the other side of the River Thames.  I took this picture after sitting in on Parliament debates in the House of Commons and the House of Lords.  It was really interesting to witness.
My London home, 123 Queen's Gate!  My bedroom window is the one to the right of the balcony on the second floor.

Here is the Ithaca College London Center, where I took my classes.  I really enjoyed my time in London and Europe.  I had previously only been to Canada and am so thankful for having had this experience.  It was one of the best decisions I have ever made!

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